
Buy a Pile

Introducing the next major fundraising initiative for the Rebuild Project - Buy a Pile.
Don’t just support the project, we need to literally support the new building with piles, so let's Buy a Pile!

Share the cost amongst family, friends or crew.

Business or organisation names welcome.

Get creative; Named for a long family association with the bay, Named in honour of a deceased boating enthusiast, Named after a much love family boat or yacht......

The Plan.
There are about sixty piles to purchase so get in quick to get a prominent position. All names with be acknowledged on a 'roll of honour' in the clubhouse.

For more information or to book your pile contact Simon or Ruth directly or through our club email.

Buy a Pile Account 02-0910-0090017-025 include your name and PILE as a reference

Thank you

Merchandise - order info coming soon

  • Club badges $10

  • Club coffee mugs available $15 each, and orders taken

  • Club beanies & caps - $20 each