Funding Progress
Broad Bay Boating Club - Multipurpose Community Facility........ coming soon
Major funding secured to start rebuild
A huge thank you to Otago Community Trust and Alexander McMillan Trust in supporting our community project
A huge thank you to Otago Community Trust and Alexander McMillan Trust in supporting our community project
The news of our successful grant application came as a tremendous boost to our Club members. They have worked tirelessly to get the vision for the necessary Broad Bay Boating Club rebuild from concept to design and now, thanks to the OCT support, we can move into the rebuild phase. The project will not only deliver a modernised boat club and improved facilities, to be enjoyed by our increasing Peninsula community, it will also extend our capacity for training school children and help more people to enjoy water sports safely. In particular with the introduction of the unique ‘Sail Ability’ project we will access people who have a physical or learning disability to learn how to sail in a supported environment. Using specialised equipment they will learn how to enhance their abilities, confidence and skills to sail safely. We now have a real prospect of completing the rebuild in time for our centenary in 2023 and perhaps re-establish the historic Dunedin to Broad Bay annual New Year’s Day Regatta, what dreams may come...
Thank you so much Otago Community Trust and all our supporters
More below
The funding group members have been meeting regularly. We have been very busy with continued work towards funding the initial stages of the rebuild project. The total funds raised since the funding launch has been impressive! I’ll tell you later…..
October 2018 saw a very successful launch to the funding campaign attended by lots of club supporters, the Mayor, invited guests and community members. It’s aim was to raise awareness for the project within the local and wider community, and it kicked off what has been a very successful year.
Since then progress has included :The on going Give-A-Little campaign -over $1200A grant from The Sargood Bequest - $5000 A grant from the Otago Peninsula Community Board to pay for initial building consent - $2671Producing and selling our own calendar - $6116 - well down Paul Dyer for such a huge effortSubmission and presentation to DCC annual plan, no money yet but they agreed to in-kind support – and that connection has been established with Parks & RecreationPresentation to Port Otago – we received the generous offer of expertise and recycled materials, driving piles etc.A significant donation from Southern Clams, Roger Belton BBBC member - $1500 Peter and Dianne Nees donated $1000 at Funding Launch DayOther Funding Launch Day donations - $443We received a Letter of Support from Mayor CullWe attending the Otago Boat Show (display, sale of calendars, club badges) only $35 but good PR value!Meeting with YNZ rep Ian Gardner from Queen Charlotte Yacht Club to share their funding ideasRummage sale 1 & 2 (April 2019) - over $4000Rhododendron Day BBQ (April 2019) - $205Firewood raffle - over $400 – thanks again to John Campbell's donation of wood.Local family donations of over $200 – they just are turning up in our bank accountEntertainment Book fundraising sales - nearly $100Rummage sale 1 & 2 (Nov 2020) - over $3500 Combined with another Firewood raffle – raised an additional $400?? – thanks again to John Campbell's donation of wood.
On top of monies raised earlier than 2018 funding launch the total raised by the club for the project is nearly $68,000. To date this has paid for all the necessary planning and documentation. We are now ready for the construction phase.....Stage 1 & 2; building the new wharf platform & new changing rooms!! see Milestones
A huge thank you to all contributors, all the people that donated their time, effort, and money.