Club News & Events

100th Annual General Meeting
Sunday 11 August @ Broad Bay Community Hall, 2pm Start

Notice to members:         new members are welcome

- Welcome & Commodore's Report
- The usual reports including new funding and rebuild progress
- Election of officers – a new Treasurer is needed, your club needs you (details here)
- Trophy Presentation
- Social time - please bring a plate

Thanks for your support

See you at the AGM

Club Notices:

The slipway/wharf area is intended for launching and retrieval only, for craft on trolleys or trailered boats.

Race day photos here Race Days

Our club bank account has been updated - for payment of subs
Please note our new bank account:

Fundraising or donations can go directly to our Rebuild Account

Current Trophy Holders - 2021/22

Certificates of Appreciation
Ann Shacklady-Smith – Thanks to our fantastic funding coordinator

Anette Seifert – Having the vision and determination to setup and launch Sailability in Broad Bay

Brent & Julie Patterson – For steering the ship through oceans of paperwork, technical detail and know how to keep the Rebuild Project on course.